cameroon gce advance level June 2020 geology paper 2

cameroon gce advance level June 2020 geology paper 2

cameroon gce advance level June 2020 geology paper 2

Discuss Trilobitcs on the basis of the following:
Diagnostic morphological features;
Geological history;
Palaeontological significance.

Distinguish between the following:
Chronostratigraphy and biostratigraphy;
Diachronous bed and marker bed;
Cyclic sedimentation and rhythmic sedimentation;
Relative dating and absolute dating.

Give a brief outline of the chemistry, diagnostic properties and crystallography of the following
minerals: . . .

(ii) Olivine.
(b) Write short notes on the following:
Crystal twinning;
Parameters of a crystal;
Crystallographic axes.

(c) Distinguish between the following pairs of terms as applied in hydrogeology:
Thermal spring and geyser;
Confined aquifer and unconfined aquifer;
Connate water and juvenile water;
Influent stream and effluent stream.


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