cameroon gce advanced level corporate accounting 2

cameroon gce advanced level corporate accounting 2

cameroon gce advanced level corporate accounting 2

TALIS Ltd is a company with a share capital of 60,000,000 CFAF (6,000 shares); half of which was paid up at
formation on the 01/07/2018. According to the statutes, the Board of Directors called up the 3
rd quarter of the
subscriptions on the 1
st June 2019 with payment to be done by the 1st July 2019. All shareholders paid up their
contributions by the deadline.
The statutes foresee the following appropriation of profit:
– Legal reserve at the legal rate;
– Distribution of an interest of 6% to the shares;
– Endowment of an optional reserve according to the decision of the general meeting;
– The balance should be given to shareholders taking into account an eventual carried forward.

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