cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 history 2

cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 history 2

cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 history 2

What common social and political features existed in the states in Cameroon before German occupation in
1 .
(25 marks)
“A firm socio-economic foundation laid on the Cameroon coast between 1844 and 1884.” How apt is this
assertion of missionary activities? (25 marks)
J . F.xamine the reasons for indigenous resistance to German rule in Cameroon between 1884 and 1914.
(25 marks)
“Persistent disagreement between the English and the French compromised the success of the condominium in
Cameroon during the First World War.” Discuss.
(25 marks)
i. *
SECTION 1J: 1922- 1961
I low beneficial was French rule in Cameroon during the Mandate period? (25 marks)
6. “The administration of Southern Camcroons as an integral part of Nigeria was responsible for the growth of
nationalism in the territory.” Mow true is this statement? (25 marks)
How and why did the French colonial administration contain the UPC in French Cameroon between 1948 and
(25 marks)
8. Account for the defeat of the KNC-KPP Alliance in the 1959 elections in Southern Camcroons. (25 marks)
9. Discuss the view that the outcome of the Foumban .Conlcrence was more satisfactory to Ahmadou Ahidjo than
The Southern Camcroons delegation. (25 marks)
10. Critically examine the socio-economic changes in Fast Cameroon between 1961 and 1972.
(25 marks)
I I . Why and with what consequences was the unitary state created in Cameroon in 1972? (25 marks)
12. What major innovations has Paul Biya introduced in Cameroon’s foreign policy since 1982? (25 marks)

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