cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 philosophy 1
cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 philosophy 1
What is the converse of ‘All beautiful housewi and conclusion the antecedent.
are university lecturers’ ?
A Some university lecturers are beautiful
housewives .
B No university lecturers are beautiful
Some housewives are university lecturers.
D All university lecturers are beautiful
When a term in an argument is liable torncmT
than one interpretation, it commits the Fallacy
A Equivocation.
B Amphiboly.
C Accent.
D Ambiguity.
2. Hie ‘Opposition’ in which the propositions differ
in quantity and quality is :
A Contrariety.* •
B Contradiction.
C Sub-Contrariety.-
D Sub-alternation* – ‘
A student who justifies his late coming on the
basis that the teacher is always late also
commits the Fallacy of :
A Ignoratio Elenchi.
, B Tu Quoque.
C Ad Populum.
D Non Sequitur- . •
3. Which Fallacy is most clearly committed in this
Syllogism ?
All musicians are dancers.,
No drummers are musicians.
Therefore No drummers are dancers.
Illicit process.
B Undistributed Middle.
C Illicit Minor.
D Illicit Major. .
The statement : ‘If Paul returns then Agnes will
travel 4 can best be symbolised as :
A p Dq
B p v q
C P , q
D ~ p , q
• A
1 1. Identify the form of the following argument ;
4 What precisely determines the First Order
Enthymeme of a valid syllogism ?
A When the minor premise is omitted.
B : When one premise is omitted.
C When the conclusion is omitted.
D When the major premise is omitted.
A ’ Invalid Modus Tollens.
B Invalid Modus Pollens.
C Valid Modus Tollens.
5. – A form of the Dilemma with a negative D Valid Modus Ponens.
categorical conclusion is known as :
A A Complex Constructive Dilemma.
B A Simple Constructive Dilemma.
C A Simple Destructive Dilemma.
D A Complex Destructive Dilemma
Using quantification symbols of propositional
– functions the statement « none but thieves tell
lies » can best be translated as :
> A (X) (LXDTX)
B (x) (Tx D Lx)
C (x) (Lx D~TX).r ;
D (x) (Tx D~LX) .
Given the following as a major premise :
‘ Either the rain falls or the sun shines’ , ?
construct a suitable minor premise for a valid
Modus Ponendo Tollens,
A The rain falls.
CB The The sun rain did did not not^fall hine . – ;- . ; .
D Neither did the rajn fall nor did the sun
shine.’ ’
The quest for reasoned explanation for natural
phenomena urshered the beginning of :
A- Mythology.
B Science.
. Religion
D Philosophy; ,
The Fallacy of ‘affirming the consequence ‘ in a
Modus Ponens argument is committed when:
A The minor premise denies the consequent
and conclusion the antecedent.
B The minor premise denies the antecedent
and conclusion the consequent.
C The minor premise affirms the antecedent
and conclusion the consequent.
Kenku Marvelous
December 3, 2023
Great help for teachers and students for revision
Arrey Peter Ako
May 11, 2024
Very critical