cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 philosophy 1

cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 philosophy 1

cameroon gce advanced level June 2022 philosophy 1

What is the converse of ‘All beautiful housewi and conclusion the antecedent.
are university lecturers’ ?
A Some university lecturers are beautiful
housewives .
B No university lecturers are beautiful
Some housewives are university lecturers.
D All university lecturers are beautiful

When a term in an argument is liable torncmT
than one interpretation, it commits the Fallacy

A Equivocation.
B Amphiboly.
C Accent.
D Ambiguity.

2. Hie ‘Opposition’ in which the propositions differ
in quantity and quality is :
A Contrariety.* •
B Contradiction.
C Sub-Contrariety.-
D Sub-alternation* – ‘
A student who justifies his late coming on the
basis that the teacher is always late also
commits the Fallacy of :
A Ignoratio Elenchi.
, B Tu Quoque.
C Ad Populum.
D Non Sequitur- . •
3. Which Fallacy is most clearly committed in this
Syllogism ?
All musicians are dancers.,
No drummers are musicians.
Therefore No drummers are dancers.
Illicit process.
B Undistributed Middle.
C Illicit Minor.
D Illicit Major. .
The statement : ‘If Paul returns then Agnes will
travel 4 can best be symbolised as :
A p Dq
B p v q
C P , q
D ~ p , q
• A
1 1. Identify the form of the following argument ;
4 What precisely determines the First Order
Enthymeme of a valid syllogism ?
A When the minor premise is omitted.
B : When one premise is omitted.
C When the conclusion is omitted.
D When the major premise is omitted.
A ’ Invalid Modus Tollens.
B Invalid Modus Pollens.
C Valid Modus Tollens.
5. – A form of the Dilemma with a negative D Valid Modus Ponens.
categorical conclusion is known as :
A A Complex Constructive Dilemma.
B A Simple Constructive Dilemma.
C A Simple Destructive Dilemma.
D A Complex Destructive Dilemma
Using quantification symbols of propositional
– functions the statement « none but thieves tell
lies » can best be translated as :
> A (X) (LXDTX)
B (x) (Tx D Lx)
C (x) (Lx D~TX).r ;
D (x) (Tx D~LX) .
Given the following as a major premise :
‘ Either the rain falls or the sun shines’ , ?
construct a suitable minor premise for a valid
Modus Ponendo Tollens,
A The rain falls.
CB The The sun rain did did not not^fall hine . – ;- . ; .
D Neither did the rajn fall nor did the sun
shine.’ ’

The quest for reasoned explanation for natural
phenomena urshered the beginning of :
A- Mythology.
B Science.
. Religion
D Philosophy; ,

The Fallacy of ‘affirming the consequence ‘ in a
Modus Ponens argument is committed when:
A The minor premise denies the consequent
and conclusion the antecedent.
B The minor premise denies the antecedent
and conclusion the consequent.
C The minor premise affirms the antecedent
and conclusion the consequent.

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