cameroon gce intermediate level 2024 photovoltaic systems 2
cameroon gce intermediate level 2024 photovoltaic systems 2
Planet Earth is facing an energy crisis owing to an escalation in global energy demand and continued
dependence on fossil fuels for energy generation. Excessive burning of fossil is resulting in a steady increase in
average global temperatures.
1.1.What is fossil energy?
1.2. Name three sources of fossil energy.
1.3.State three disadvantages of fossil energy.
1.4.Give an example of an accident related to fossil energy and its consequence on the environment.
1.5.1. Complete table 1. | ||
1.5.2. Use appendix 2 to choose the most suitable system voltage. | ||
1.5.3. Calculate the size of the battery bank for the system voltage chosen in (1.5.2). Let days of autonomy (DOA) be 2 days, maximum allowable depth (DOD) of discharge be 30%, efficiency of |
inverter be 75%. Use the formula: Capacity = |
* DOA . | (3 marks) |
Total energy per day |
DOD *ef ficiency*system voltage
1.5.4. Calculate the size of the PV panel considering a daily sun hours of 3.54 hours. Use the formula:
total daily energy (Wh)
peak sun hours
1.5.5. The solar panel used is FSM 500–96 (see appendix 1). Calculate the total number of panels needed
and deduce the number of parallel paths.
Size of panel = (2 marks)
Size of panel peak power of panel * |
Use the formula: Number of panels = | (2 marks) |
1.5.6. Given that the distance from array to load centre (L) is 20m and allowable voltage drop AV is 3%.
Calculate the size of cable (S) needed to link the array to the load centre. Use appendix 1 to choose
value of Im. Use the formula: S = m (2 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
2. The solar panel converts solar energy into electrical energy.
2.1.Name three types of solar panels. | (3 marks) |
2.2.Give two advantages and two disadvantages each for the following methods of mounting solar panels | |
2.2.1. Ground mounts. 2.2.2. Pole mounts. 2.2.3. Roof mounts. |
(4 marks) (4 marks) (4 marks) |
2.3.Differentiate between a photocell and a photovoltaic cell 2.4.State three factors responsible for poor performance of photovoltaic devices in the field. |
(2 marks) (3 marks) |
2.5.The I–V curve and power output of a solar panel is given in appendix 3. From the curve deduce the | |
following: Im, Vm, I*, Voc, Pm | (5 marks) |