cameroon gce intermediate level electronic circuits 1

cameroon gce intermediate level electronic circuits 1

cameroon gce intermediate level electronic circuits 1

A dry cell of 6V with an internal resistance of
2.5Ω supplies a load resistor of 5Ω. The power
by the load is

A 3.2W
B 3.4W
C 3.6W
D 3.8W


2. The barrier potential of a silicon diode at room
temperature is


A 1V
B 0.7V
C 2mV
D 300mV


3. If the input frequency of a full wave rectifier with
two diodes is 50Hz, the output frequency is


A 50Hz
B 60Hz
C 100Hz
D 25Hz


4. A Zener diode is mostly used as


A An integrator
B A differentiator
C A regulator
D A multivibrato

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