cameroon gce intermediate level quality hygiene safety and environment 2

cameroon gce intermediate level quality hygiene safety and environment 2

cameroon gce intermediate level quality hygiene safety and environment 2

I – FIRST PART: QUALITY (Answer any two questions: 2 x 5 marks = 10 Marks)
a) Defined audit. (0.5 mark)
b) Give two main type of audit. (1marks)
c) What do you understand as audit of evaluation? (1mark)
d) Give the principal stages of quality audit. (1.5 mark)
e) Give two components of non-quality. (1 mark)
In order to improve on the quality of crank shaft, the management decide to seek for an external auditor
a) Defined external audit
(1 marks)
b) Give two advantage and one disadvantage of an external audit (3 marks)
c) what do you understand by audit of certification (1 marks)
Tool of quality, fill Table B, with the corresponding letter representing the quality tool of Table A as

shown below
Table A
(5 marks)


a) To supervise the possible drifts permanently
b) To check the correlation between two sizes, the linearity
c) To seek and determine the whole of the causes which can produce a certain effect
e) To visualize the phenomena, to facilitate comprehension, to communicate easily
f) Nothing to forget, observe and check
g) To release from the significant points, decision-making aid
h) To classify a certain number of proposals in order to determine the priority order of study of it.

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