Cameroon GCE O/L June 2000 Economics paper 2


1 (a) Why do firms integrate vertically?

(b) Explain how each of the following may influence the location of any one manufacturing industry:

  1. Availability of raw materials
  2. Nearness to a market.

2 State and explain any five functions of the following in the channel of distribution of goods:

  1. Wholesaler
  2. Retailer

3 Compare a public company and a public corporation with respect to the following:

  1. Formation
  2. Objectives

iii. Ownership

iv. Sources of Finance.


a. What is meant by demand pull inflation

b. Briefly explain any three measures a country makes to control it cost push inflation.

c. Briefly explain three measures a country may take to control it demand pull inflation.

5    “No improvement, no economic development”. State and explain four ways by which the government assists in the economic development of a country.

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