cameroon gce O level June 2023 Economics 1

cameroon gce O level June 2023 Economics 1

cameroon gce O level June 2023 Economics 1

A good example of an incorporated business

unit is;

A Sole proprietor

  • Partnership

C Joint stock company

  • Cooperative society
  • 2. A perfectly inelastic demand curve will be;

A Vertical

  • Horizontal

C Upward sloping

  • Downward sloping
  1. .This Question is based on the cost schedule


Output (units) Total cost (Fcfa)
0 1000
1 2500
2 6000
3 9600

What is the fixed cost of the second unit of output produced?

A 3500fcfa

  • 1000fcfa

C 2400 fcfa

  • 2000 fcfa
  1. The low level of industrialization in Cameroon

is caused by;

A High level of immigration

  • Availability of skilled labour

C Abundance of raw materials

  • Inadequate infrastructural development
  1. The most profitable function of a commercial

bank is;

A Accepting deposit

  • Granting loans

C Keeping valuables

  • Offering night safe facilities
  1. Contractual payments made to owners of land

and capital are ;

A Rent and interest

  • – Rent and dividend

C Wages and interest

  • Rent and wages.
  1. A man has a monthly income of 200,000 frs

and the tax rate is 5%. Determine his

disposable income? A 10,000fcfa

  • 210,000 fcfa

C 200,000 fcfa

  • 190,000 fcfa A perfect definition of “demand” must

contain the following;

A Price and time

  • Price and quantity

C      Price, quantity and time

  • Time and quantity
  1. A principle of taxation that requires that the

tax yield be more than the cost of collection, is;

A Economy

B Convenience

C Certainty

D Equity

  1. The documents given to company promoters

by the registrar of companies are;

A Certificate of trading and prospectus

  • Certificate of incorporations and certificate of trading

C Article of association and prospectus

  • Memorandum of association and article of association
  1. When the government through the central

bank, decides to reduce the supply of money in an economy, the objective will likely be;

A To promote economic growth

  • To solve problems of unemployment C To curb inflation
  • To redistribute income
  1. If an increase in the price of good X leads to

an increase in the demand for good Y, goods X and Y represent;

A Joint demand

  • Derived demand

C Composite demand

  • Competitive demand
  1. The population where by a greater proportion

is made up more of the young and adult is referred to as;

A Working population

  • Ageing population C Growing population
  • Under population
  1. The inability for a teacher in Yaounde to

become a lawyer in Bamenda is brought about by;

A High cost of housing

  • Strong social ties

C      Disruption of children’s education

  • Lengthy period of training


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