cameroon gce O level June 2024 human biology 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 human biology 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 human biology 1

Which characteristic makes man a mammal?
A He has an erect posture
B He has a four- chambered heart
C He has an opposable thumb
D He has heterodont dentition
8. The diagram below is that of the arm.
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2. Simple diffusion differs from active transport in
A It moves molecules from an area of high to
low concentration
B It moves molecules from an area of low to
high concentration
C It is an active process that requires energy
D It moves molecules against a concentration
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(Courtesy of DG Mackeans; Introduction to
Biology) Identify the joint Z.
A Ball-and- socket
B Hinge
C Sliding
D Condyloid
3. What is the function of the mitochondrion in a
A Destroy worn-out cell organelles
B Site of protein synthesis
C Site for intracellular digestion
D Site for energy production
Identify the transmitter substance that is
released into the synaptic cleft during the
transmission of a nerve impulse;
A Acetylcholine
B Noradrenaline
C Cholinesterase
D Acetylcholinesterase
4. Identify the tissue type that underlies and
supports other tissue types:
A Muscular
B Connective
C Epithelial
D Nervous Which of the following is a conditioned reflex?
A Eye closes when a foreign object
approaches it
B Digested food moving along the gut by
C A dog salivating in response to ringing a
5. A cell which undergoes mitosis forms:
A Four identical daughter cells
B Two unidentical daughter cells
C Two identical daughter cells
D Four unidentical daughter cells
D Hand taken up when pierced by a needle
6. Which two minerals are necessary for bone
A Calcium and phosphorus
B Calcium and magnesium
C Calcium and sodium
D Calcium and iodine
1 1. The diagram below shows the internal structure
of the human ear.
7. The biceps and triceps muscles are examples of
which muscle type?
A Involuntary
B Smooth
C Cardiac
D Skeletal
(Courtesy of Roland Soper; GCSCE Human
What is the function of the part numbered 6?
A It equalizes the pressure between the ear
drum and the atmosphere
B It contains the organ for hearing
C It amplifies sound waves
D It maintains balance and posture

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