cameroon gce ordinary level June 2018 citizenship education 2

cameroon gce ordinary level June 2018 citizenship education 2

cameroon gce ordinary level June 2018 citizenship education 2


SST extract hearing on an important Cameroon National Symbol and then MSWC,
(The maximum marks foe each subquestion ts indicated ,n brackets) questions (a)
O Camcroon , thou cradle of our Fathers
Holv shrine where in our midst they now repose,
Their tears and blood and sweat thy soil did water.
On thv hills and valleys once their tillage rose.
Dear Fatherland, thy worth no tongue can tell!
How can we ever pay thy due?
Thv welfare we will win in toil and love and peace
Wc’ll he to thy name ever true!
From Shari, from where the Mungo meanders,
From along the banks of lowly Boumba stream,
Muster thy sons in union close around thee,
Mighty as the Bma Mountain be their team,
Instill in them the love of gentle ways,
for errors of the past;
, for mother Africa, a loyalty,
That truth
shall remain to the last. ,
Source: Richard Ndifor and John Tazifor. The Citizen: A Comprehensive Guide for GQE Ordinary
Levei, Published by Educational Book Publishers 2013 Buea, Pg 91.
Suggest a suitable title for the extract cited above.
Who was the author of this version of the document?

In which language was the original version of this document?

Apart from the National Symbol cited in a(i) above, give three otherCsracroeo Nation^
Suggest two occasions during which the symbol cited in a (i) above ts used.
(b) (i)
(3+2 IRJrfks)
(C) 0) What is the meaning of ‘their tears and blood and sweat thy soil did water
as used in the text?
Write down the
refrain of the National Symbol carried in the above text.
Identify the Region from which the first ri ver mentioned in the text takes
Apart from the rivers cited in the text above, give the names of two big rivers,
that flow across the country.

2018 paper 1

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