cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 human biology 2
cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 human biology 2
Define the following terms:
Digestion ( ii) Peristalsis (iii) Absorption.
Describe the digestion of proteins in the alimentary canal of humans.
1. (a)
(2,2,2 marks)
(0 (10 marks)
(c) Outline the adaptations of the ileum to the absorption of digested food. (4 marks)
Draw a large and neatly labelled diagram of an animal cell as seen under the
electron microscope.
Slate the functions of the following parts of the cell:
Mitochondrion (ii) Cell membrane
In tabular form state the differences between mitosis and meiosis.
o 00
(7 marks)
(2,2,2 marks)
(7 marks)
(Total 20 marks)
(0 (iii) Nucleus.