cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 mathematics 2

cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 mathematics 2

cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 mathematics 2

(i) A telephone denier decides to Import 200 smart phones at a total cost of 8 million FCFA. She pays 40% of the
amount as taxes.
(a) the total amount spent on taxes.
(b) her total expenditure on the phones
(c) the cost of a phone
If she makes a profit of 15% on each phone,
(d) the profit made on each phono
(e) the total selling price of the phones
(10 mnrks)
(ii) Solve the simultaneous equations
2 p-3q = 12
3 p+ ( j – 7 (5 marks)
2. Using a sonic of 2 cm for 1 unit on the x- axis nnd 1 cm for 1 unit on the y-axis, draw the graph of y = x2-3x-4
for -2 < A’ 5 .
(a)On the same graph paper, draw the line y = 2x-4.
Using your graph,
(b)State the values of x for which y = x2-3.Y-4 cuts the x- axis.
(c)State the minimum value of the curve y = x -3x~ 4.
(d)Solve the equation x1 —5x =0.

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