gce 2021 intermediate level mechanical technology 2

gce 2021 intermediate level mechanical technology 2

gce 2021 intermediate level mechanical technology 2


FIGURE 1: mechanical organs of an engine

  1. List all the numbered components of figure 1.                    (0.25X8=4 marks)
  2. Give the name of the type of valve layout on figure 1 and explain its operating principles.    (5+2=2.5 marks)
  3. Low engine power output can occur due to lost of compression, list all the components of this diagram that can cause lost of compression.                           (5X2=1 mark)
  4. Motion is always transmitted from part 1 to part 8 by using part 2. Explain why the pulley of part 1 is always smaller than the pulley of part 8.                         (1 mark)
  5. Explain how the forces generated during combustion are transmitted to the flywheel.                         (1.5 mark)

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