gce 2021 intermediate level sales methods and communication 1

gce 2021 intermediate level sales methods and communication 1

gce 2021 intermediate level sales methods and communication 1

1. A typical selling price has ________ steps.
A 5
B 7
C 8
D 6
2. In business, the personal communication of information to persuade a potential customers to buy something which satisfies individual needs is called :
A Personal selling
B Personal communication
C Personal relationship development
D Personal communication skills.
3. ________ is a basic skill required by a sales person in the selling process.
A Impatience
B Dishonesty
C Politeness
D Arrogance.
4. What pushes a customer to buy a product is refer to as his :
A Want
B Need
C Purchase mobile
D Motivation.
5. ______ is the widest source of information to customer :
A Television
B Friends and relatives
C Libraries
D Markets.
6. The control department in the Ministry of Commerce in the cameroonian market is charged with :
A Price control and tax collection
B Expired drugs, price control, health and safety
C Importation and exportation of goods
D Distribution of customer goods.
7. A large self-service store that sells a complete line of household and non household products is called :
A Discount store
B Department store
C Super market
D Hyper market.
8. _____ refers to those activities involved in the transfer of goods and services from the producer to the consumer where ever the need arises.
A Transportation
B Physical distribution
C Wholesaling
D Distribution.
9. A self-service outlet which proposes food dominated products within a surface area between 400 and 2500m2, best describes as :
A Super market
B Hyper market
C Departmental store
D Discount store
10. A type of selling which a sales agent carries out door – to – door selling is called :
A Hawking
B Home selling
C Meting
D Traditional selling.

11. A key disadvantage of traditional selling to a firm is :
A Customers are easily convinced
B It’s time consuming
C It’s expensive, as a sales person must be employed
D It ivites competition.
12. An advantage of telephone selling to a customer is :
A Purchasing cost is reduced
B Product features can be seen
C Sellers can be trusted
D Exact product may not be delivered.
13. ____ is a key disadvantage of street selling to the seller.
A Sales people do not pay taxes
B Is les strenuous
C Objections can easily be handled
D Not all the company’s products can be exposed.
14. ____ is an amount given out by a bank to its customers on the basis of the availability of security.
A An overdraft
B Loan
C A debenture
D A bill of exchange.
15. An advantage of owning a bank acount to a business man includes :
A Additional capital can be obtained for business
B To show off wealth
C To keep unwanted funds
D To seek help from funders.
16. A financial institution which is at the centre of a nation’s financial system represents :
A Investment Bank
B Commercial Bank
C Central Bank

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