History progression sheets 2023-2024 forms 1 to upper 6

History progression sheets 2023-2024 forms 1 to upper 6

History progression sheets 2023-2024 forms 1 to upper 6

Diagnostic evaluation/Revision
Lesson 1: Introduction to the study of history (definition and sources), Periodization in history appropriate to Africa

Further study 1: Collection and classification of Historical Relics

Guided work 1: Enquiry on the system of periodization (counting dates in your region)
Lesson 2: The Early Man and his area of settlements
Partial Integration Activities
First Evaluation/Correction/Remediation
Lesson 2 continues: The way of life of the early man and its implications

Guided Work 2: The myth of creation

Lesson 3: Neolithic (New Stone Age Civilization), the birth of agriculture and domestic animals, Sedentarisation and consequences
Further study 2: Humanization (stages of evolution, the areas (sites) of occupation of early man

Further study 3: Cameroon Civilization in the Neolithic (locate sites and identify the Neolithic remains)

 Guided work 3: The pygmies in Cameroon (location of sites, description of their way of life and social organization)

Lesson 4: Egypt a structured society -Egypt a gift of Nile and the Pharaoh

Lesson 4 continues: Egyptian nobles, peasants and slaves

Partial integration activities      

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