O level north west regional mock gce 2022 history 1

O level north west regional mock gce 2022 history 1

O level north west regional mock gce 2022 history 1

In which Year was Victoria founded along the
Cameroon Coast by Alfred Saker to ser/e
English Baptist Missionary settlement?
(A) 1848
(B) 1856
(C) 1858
(D) 1S79
2. European Missionaries
contributions towards the annexation of Cameroon
before 1884, except:
(A) Drafting Letters for the Coastal Rulers asking
for annexation
(B) Providing Gifts and Bribes to induce the Local
Rulers to accept annexation
(C) Preaching and softening the minds of the
Natives to accept annexation
(D) Imposing the English culture on the Natives
3. Which of the following reasons cannot explain why
the British were reluctant to annex Cameroon in die
(A) Fear of the high cost of annexation
(B) Fear of the German Gun Boat (Moewe)
(C) Fear of increasing the tax burden of the British
tax payer
(D) Decline of British trade along die Cameroon
as an
made the following
Flogging and organised an
in DoualcT. These were some of the achievements of
(A) Julius von Soden
(B) Eugene von Ziminerer
(C) Theodore Seitz
(D) Otto Gleim
Ruler who initially welcomed the
Germans into his Kingdom in 1902 and later on
turned against them in 1915 during the First World
War was…
10. The Native
(A) Prince Lock Priso
(B) Fon Galega I
(C) Charles Atangana
(D) King Njoya
11. In which Month and Year was Yaounde captured by
Allied troops thereby forcing Charles Atangana and
his Sub-chiefs to seek refuge in Spanish Guinea?
4. The German Trader who received a Confidential
Letter from Adolf Woermann with firm instructions
to work out the German annexation of Cameroon with
influential Native Rulers was called…
(A) Eduard Woermann
(B) Emile Schultze
(C) Gustav Nachtiga!
(D) Edward Schmidt
(A) September, 1914
(B) January, 1916
(C) February, 1916
(D) November, 1918
12. Which of the following Activities was never
performed by the Southern Cameroons Native
Authorities during the British Mandate period?
(A) Creation of elementary schools
(B) Maintenance of law and order
(C) Recruitment of labour
(D) Collection of taxes
5. The German Delegation at the Signing Ceremony of
the Germano-Duala Treaty on ^July 1884 was led
by …
(A) Gustav Nachtigal
(3) Adolf Woermann
(C) Edward Woermann
(D) Emile Schultze
13. The British Policy of Indirect Rule was officially
introduced in the British Southern Cameroons in the
(A) 1919
(B) 1920
(C) 1922
(D) 1924
6. Which of the following Policies was not adopted by
the Germans between 1884 and 1906 to consolidate
their rule in Cameroon?
.(A) The abolition of the Court of Equity and the
creation of the Cameroon Council
(B) The hosting of the German flag everywhere
to signify German annexation
(C) The scrupulous respect of the Middleman
Monopoly of Trade in Cameroon
(D) The introduction of the German Mark as the
legal tender in Cameroon
7. The German expansion into the Adamawa and the
Far North that led to the conquest of the Fulbe was
master-minded by…
(A) Eugene Zintgraff
(B) Hans Dominik
(C) Kurt Morgan
14. The Policy of Prestation practiced in French Cameroon
during the Mandate period can be defined as…
(A) A Tax system which inflicted forced labour on
French Cameroonians
(B) A System of tax payment through labour by
French Cameroonians
(C) A Political system which divided French
Cameroonians into ‘citizens’ and ‘subjects’
(D) A System of summary trial and punishment of all
hardened criminals
15. The first Indigenous Political Party to be formed in the
British Southern Cameroons in the 1950s to fight for the
independence of the territory was…
(A) The KNDP
(B) The CUC
(C) The KNC
(D) The CPNC

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