O level north west regional mock gce 2022 history 2
O level north west regional mock gce 2022 history 2
(a) (i)For how long had the Germans ruled Cameroon before they were finally defeated and ousted from the territory?
(ii) In which Year were the Germans ousted from Cameroon by the Allied Forces commanded by General Cnaries
(iii) Which brave German Military Commander fiercely defended the Mora military garrison in a desperate attempt
to prevent it from falling into the hands of Allied troops during the First World War?
(iv) By what Name were the Allied soldiers that finally flushed out the Germans from Cameroon known?
(1+1+i+l marks)
(b) (i) Write down tht full Names of the British Foreign Secretary and the French Diplomat who drew the Picot Line
mentioned in the extract.
(ii) What were the Territorial Ratios approved for France and Britain following the London Agreement reached by
the two European Personalities identified in (b) (i) above?
(iii) Write down the Exact Date in which the Milner-Simon Agreement that confirmed the Provisional Partition of
Cameroon was signed.
(iv) Of what importance was the Milner-Simon Agreement to both Britain and France?
(c) (i) Give any two (02) reasons to explain why the Anglo-French Condominium was inapplicable in Cameroon.
(ii) Who were the Pioneer British and French Commissioners appointed to administer their respective portions of
Cameroon following the ousting of the Germans from the territory?
(iii)Write down the Name of the Prominent Traditional Ruler under the French Administration who had wanted to
be ruled by Britain.
(d) (i) Which International Treaty, signed by Germany at the end of the First World War, compelled her to relinquish
all her colonies to the Allied Powers?
(2+2+1 marks)
(ii) Write down the Exact Date in which the International treaty, mentioned in (d) (i) above was signed.
(iii) By what Name was the International Organization that officially accepted the Anglo-French arrangements in the
former German Cameroon known? (1+1+1 marks)
(3 marks)
(e) What were the main Political Effects of the Partition of Cameroon between Britain and France?
Extract IB*
Study the extract below concerning the contrasting views of some leading British Southern Cameroons Politicians in
the 1950s concerning the Independence struggle and Reunification Debacle and then answer questions (a) to (e)
which follow(the maximum mark for each sub question is indicated in the brackets). … .
“The most important Political issue in the British Southern Cameroons after 1957 was in what form the British Southern
Cameroons would achieve her independence. The issue revolved around three important options namely Secession
Integration and Reunification. ‘ 9
The Supporters of 4Secession\ the Foncharians and Traditional Rulers, argued that a Plebiscite should be held on the
question of Secession versus Integration. The Secessionists knew that the idea of Reunification
section of the electorate.
The Reunification Supporters . The of Integrationists ‘Integration the counted Endeleyians on the fact , that argued Reunification that the was Plebiscite rejectedshould by a large be sector on Integration of the electorate versus
while recession was more popular in the Southern Cameroons than Integration.