O level north west regional mock gce 2022 human biology 2

O level north west regional mock gce 2022 human biology 2

O level north west regional mock gce 2022 human biology 2

1 a) What do you understand by the following terms:
) Peristalsis
ii) Digestion
iii) Absorption
) Egestion
) Describe digestion in the duodenum.
c) What are those characteristics that make the ileum suitable for carrying
(8, 8, 4 marks}
2 a) State the functions of the human skeleton.
b) Draw a welllabelled diagram of a synovial joint.
c) Describe how movement is brought about at the elbow joint.
d) Differentiate between tendons and ligaments.
(6, 5, 7, 2 marks)
3 a) Draw find label the horizontal section through the human eye.
b) (i) What is Accommodation?
) Describe the adjustments which occur in the eye v/hen a far object is viewed.
c) Briefly explain what causes longsightedness and how it can be corrected.
(8, 9, 3 marks)
a) (i) What is Immunity?
(ii) Describe the various types of immunity, giving examples of each,
b) State the various ways in which white blood cells defend the body.
(2, 15, 3 marks)
5 a) What do you understand by the following terms:
) Miscarriage
) Caesarean Section
) Describe the birth process in human females.
c) Describe the formation of
)Jdentical twins
) Nonidentical or fraternal twins
) What are the negative effects of smoking cigarettes during pregnancy?

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