Ordinary level 2023 North west regional mock computer science 2

Ordinary level 2023 North west regional mock computer science 2

Ordinary level 2023 North west regional mock computer science 2

(a) Briefly explain the following as used in computing.
(i) Computer network
(ii) Data transmission Marks)
(iii) Server computer (2 Marks)
(iv) firewall Marks)
(2 Marks)
(b) (i) State the difference between data validation and data verification (2 Marks)
(it) State any two disadvantages of a computer network (2 Marks’
(c) We can service our computers by canning out preventive or corrective maintenance to ensure their proper functioning
(i) State a difference between preventive and corrective maintenance (2 Marks) *
(ii) State-any two preventive ways of protecting a computer system (2 Marks)
(d) 7 he capacity of a video file is 8.25GB and you are asked to copy it on to a number of CDs of capacity 700MB each.
(i) What is the approximate size of the video file in MB (2 Marks)
(ii) Determine the number of CDs needed to copy the entire file (2 Marks)
A remote-controlled model car contains RAM, RDM and a solid-state-disc. The car . ^ceives instructions from
its remote control. These instructions are sent wirelessly to a receiver on a car. The instructions contained on a
chip in the car cannot be modified. The owner of the model car can input their own sequence of instructions
from an interface underneath the car.
(a) Describe briefly the role of each type of memory supplied with the car
(i)ROM (1 Maric)
(ii) RAM (1 Maik)
(iii) solid-state-disc. (1 Mark)
(iv) State two advantages and one disadvantage of using solid-state- disc over other types of
secondary storage (3 Marks)
(b) Compute the following in binary
(i) 11101 -111 (2 Marks)
(ii) 10000+ 101 (2 Marks)
(iii) Convert the binary number 1011010011 to Octal and Hexadecimal. (4Marks)
(c) The disposal of Computer related waste is a problem around the world today. To manage these waste,
computer users are encouraged to practice Green Computing.
(i) What is Green Computing? (2 Marks)
(ii) State TWO environmental impacts of digital waste (2 Marks)
(iii) State TWO ways of enhancing green computing (2 Marks)
3. (a) Briefly explain the following as used in computing.
(i) bootstrap
(ii) software
(iii) Utility software
(iv) Device driver
(b) (i) Differentiate between freeware and shareware
(ii) State two functions of an operating system
(c) Study this algorithm and answer the questions below
DECLARE Mark As Integer
PRINT (“Enter your Mark”)
IF Mark> 50
THEN PRINT (“You have passed”)
ELSE PRINT (“You have failed”)

algorithm above represented. State the variable in the algorithm. (2 Marks)
(iii) What type of control structure is implemented in the algorithm ( .
(iv) Draw a flowchart to represent the above algorithm.


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