Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock literature in English 2

Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock literature in English 2

Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock literature in English 2

“an).-hou Identify tshalt 0k|rn,bear Speaker avery it.Wilt taunting thouletter Silvuis^ (lmark)
,, b)!Nho v,mereL lsthe,sspeaker the speaker talking ? about? *’ ‘ (2(lraark marks))
i. peevish(line 2) words asusedintheFpassage above. (2marks)
u. becomes(line 6) (2marks)
iii.marked(line 16) (2marks)
iv.chide(line 20) (2marks)
^ °- U*°ne asPec*°fthe speaker’s character as revealedin the passage (2marks)
^f) <_ vji i.ve lS*an ts the account speaker ox what asking happens the person before hethe is speaking passage above to. to do ? ?(1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5×6=(29marks marks))
3) State and explainfive character traits of Akwen andbring outthree roles she playsinthe novel:
Role played:

4) Give an account ofthe events thatled to Fon Jiggangpronouncingthe death sentence on Tebene and
bring out and explain three aspects ofFon Jiggang’s character as revealed fromthese events.
Account: 3+3+3+3+3=15 marks
Character: 3+3+3+3-10 marks
Total:25 marks
5) Read the* following passage and answer the questions which follow it
Thentook die other
,as justas fair.
Andhaving perhaps the better claim.
Because it v/as grassy and wanted’wear;
Though as for that the passingthere
Had wornthemreally about the same.
Andboththatmorning equally lay
Inleaves no stephadtroddenblack.
Oh,Ikept the first for another day!
Yetknowinghow way leads onto way,
a) Givethe title and author of the poem from which the extracthasbeentaken (2marks)
b) Pick out any one poetic device from the passage and showhow ithas been effectively used (2marks)
c) Explain the following words and expressions as usedin the passage
i) fair(line1)
ii) betterclaim(line2)

d) Give any two reasons why the speaker chooses’‘the other”(line 1)
e) Give an account ofthe firstpart ofthe poem from which the passage has beentaken
f) State any two things,mentionedinthe last part of the poem, which the speaker intends to do
6) Give an account of“To Countryside”by Margaret Afuhand state the poet’s attitude towards her subject
Poets attitude


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