Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock physics 1

Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock physics 1

Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock physics 1

SECTIONl(Forty-two Questions) ettts
in ynectiom thissection Each isfollowed ofthe questions byfour suggested orincomplete answer st^e- c„led
the best answer foreach question.
1. quantity Wlncn of inthe Physics following ? correctly represents a P1^
(A)3 s/m
(D) 3.0
2.Below are pairs of physical quantities. State whichPair
are both vector quantities?
(A)Mass and weight.
(B) Weight and momentum.
(C)Power and velocity.
(D) Speedand acceleration.
3. A bike rider increases the speed ofhis bike from 30 km/
h to 50 km/h. Which of the forces acting on the bike
. -!’
1 .*•
m F/N”
9 2
Figure 2 e/mm
(B) Weight.
4.Upthrust is exerted on a body when the body is immersed
(B) temperature is high.
(C)atmospheric pressure is high.
(D) atmospheric pressure is less


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