Ordinary level 2023 south west regional mock computer science 2

Ordinary level 2023 south west regional mock computer science 2

Ordinary level 2023 south west regional mock computer science 2

Software can be classified as either System software or Application software.
6TY flCh *^CCflSC.iabriefly ^e ehvecn explain System any two software attributes and of Application a good software software . , given an example in
ii) have a very friendly user interface for better user experience.
b) State and briefly explain any 2 types of user interfaces
c) Which system software is responsible for providing a user interface?
iii) a) What is a programming paradigm?
b) Differentiate between procedural programming and declarative programming
c) Give one examp,c of an object-oriented programming language.
3. 0
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
(2 jarks)
(4 marks)
(I mark)
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
(1 mark)
j j) A bank decides to link all its branches nationwide by setting up a computer network.
a) State two benefits of computer network to the bank.
b) List three network components that are required to setup this network and their role
c) With the aid of well labeled diagrams in each case, distinguish between parallel transmissions and
serial transmissions.

ii) a) What is an information system?
b) Differentiate between validation and verification, given an example in each case
iii) A school decides to replace old computers in their computer laboratory with newly purchased ones.
Which conversional method is best suited to be used and why? (2 marks)
5. i) Consider the Boolean expression AB + (4 + £?)
a) How many input variables make up this expression?
b) Construct a Boolean circuit (Logic diagram) for this Boolean expression
c) Complete the truth table below for this expression.
(1 mark)
(3 marks)
(4 marks)
A B AB AB A+B AB + (A+B)
0 1
1 I
0 0
ii) Given that X=011103012
a) What is X in Octal
b) What is X in Decimal
c) What is X in BCD

iii) a) What is computer security? (5 marks)
b) Briefly explain the following concept,in relation to computer seeunty.
• Confidentiality
• Authentication
• Integrity
• Encryption
• Password

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