Proofs that the earth is spherical in shape
Sunrise and sunset:
The earth rotate from west to east. This means that places in the east experiences sunlight before places in the west. If the earth were flat, all place will see the sun at the same time and there will be no darkness.

The moon or lunar eclipse
During the eclipse of the moon that is when the earth comes between the sun and the moon, the earth shadow on the moon shows a dark circle. If the earth were flat, the earth shadow will boot be circular.
Ship visibility
If a ship still far away at sea, it is watched using a telescope, one will first see the smoke and then the funnel which the smoke is coming out and this clearly suggest that the sea has a curved outline since it is part of a sphere. If the earth were flat, the whole ship and the smoke will be seen at once.

Circumnavigation of the earth
The voyage of discovery by Ferdinand Magellan between 159 and 15222 proof that the earth is spherical. Today it is still possible to start from one point and travel either east or west, north or south and at the end still come back at the starting point because the earth is spherical.
Aerial Photographs
Photograph taken from space craft (rockets) clearly shows that the earth is spherical. This is the most convincing and most updated proofs of the earth sphericity.
Planetary bodies.
All observations from telescope reveal that other planetary bodies and their satellites e.g. the moon, the sun, stars have circular outline therefore the sun, stars have circular outline therefore the earth cannot be an exception..
Driving poles on level grounds on a curved earth
When engineers drive poles of equal length into level land at regular interval they don’t give a perfect horizontal level. The central pole normally projects slightly along the pole because of the curvature of the earth. If the earth were flat, the top off the pole would have be on the same line straight.
questions on
September 11, 2022
Chose proofs a vert intersting and it have hello me fore m'y lesson
September 22, 2022
It's great
April 18, 2023
It really good