cameroon gce O level June 2021 additional mathematics paper 1

cameroon gce O level June 2021 additional mathematics paper 1

cameroon gce O level June 2021 additional mathematics paper 1

he length of the minor arc of a circle of
radius 6cm which subtends an angle of jat
the centre is:
A l + 12x + 60x 2 +–
B l – 12x + 60×2 +–
C l + 12x– 60×2 +–
D 1 — 12x — 60x 2 +

he inequalities that satisfy the statements
“x is at least half ofy” and “y is at most one
third of.v” is:
A 2x y and 3y < x
2x < y and 3y x
C 2x y and 3y x
D 2x y and 3y x

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