A level south west regional mock gce 2022 religious studies 1

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 religious studies 1

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 religious studies 1

Name the two promises given to
Abraham found in his call:
A Houses and goats 7. What main test did God test
B Blessings and greatness Abraham’s faith:
C Nations and countries
D Greatness and houses A Not having a child
B To go to Egypt
2. List two of Abraham’s complaints
found in the covenant:
C To offer his only son
D None
A Son and sign
B Land and sea
8. Chose the right family background
of Abraham that shows a typical
African family:
C Son and animals
D Sign and wonder
3. had a prophecy about her Abraham

is an incident in which Jacob
wrestled and is the one he
had a dream:
Abram Hara
A Luz and Gilead
B Bethel and Luz
C Peniel and Bethel
Abram Haron
D | Peniel and Gilead
5. Give one reason why Hannah
finally got pregnant:
9. The two daughters of Haran were:
A Sarah and Lead
A Her kindness B Milcah and Iscah
B Joy C Sarah and Hagar
C Her prayers D None
D None
10. The call of Abraham could also be
6. War dealt with the family known as:
of Eli:
A Call
The war between the philislines
and the Israelites
A B Covenant
C Love
The war between the Israelites and

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