O level north west regional mock gce 2022 human biology 1

O level north west regional mock gce 2022 human biology 1

O level north west regional mock gce 2022 human biology 1

The limbs of mammals arc built on a basic pcntadactyl
plan. The tibia nnebfibula of the bind limb are represented
iathc fore limb by the;
A. Humerus and femur
B. Radius and ulna
C. Carpnls and metncnrpuls
D. Femur and metatarsals
l . The diagram shows the Carbon Cycle
carbon dioxide
and rigidity
3. Iron
iTpsr basis of ^—ass,gned
Type of disease
2. Sex(male or female)
3 Rggjon ofoilSi0
11 . Smooth muscles are
1. The heart
2. The gut wall
3 The arteries
different hospital wards on the
in air
found in
animals humus ^ coal
/ •
/ oduced by some white blood cells against
12.Substances pr
infections are called
A. Antibiotics
B. Antibodies
C. Antigens
D. Pathogens
13. Which of thefbllowing substances are stored in the liver
A. Bile and iron
B. Iron and vitamin C
C. Bile and vitamin D
D. Vitamin A and vitamin D
14.The formation of a blood clot within an undamaged blood
green plants
What process docs letter X represent?
A. Photosynthesis
B. Combustion
C. Decomposition
D. Animal respiration
3. Which of the following activities is not carried out in a
health centre?
A. Vaccination of children
B. Taking x-rays
C. Administration of injection
D. Health education
A. Hypertension
B. Hypotension
C. Thrombosis
D. Stroke
Haemophilia is caused by a sex linked recessive allele.
Two parents have a haemophiliac son, a normal son, and
a haemophiliac daughter. What are the most likely
genotypes of the parents?
15. Why does your respiratory rate increase when jumping
A. Because jumping excites the lungs
B. Because jumping produces heat
C. Because jumping makes the heart beat faster
D. Because more energy is needed by the leg muscles
16.The Eustachian tube connects.
A. the inner ear with the throat
B. the middle ear with the inner ear
C. the middle ear with the throat
D. the outer ear with the nose
A. XhXh
c. XHXh
5. Which one of the following should first be done to an
unconscious person by a first aider?
A. Try to reduce the effect of shock
B. Stop any bleeding
C. Restore breathing
D. Clean and dress any wound
6. Tomato seedlings transplanted under hot sunlight will
wilt for one of the following reasons
A. Excess water absorbed by the roots
B. Excess loss of water through the roots
C. Excess loss of water through the leaves
D. Excess pressure on the plant
Receptors are structures which detect
A. Responses
B. Impulses
C. Stimuli
D. Dendrites
Directions: For Question 8-11 below, ONE or more of the
responses are correct. Decide which one of the responses is
(are) correct. Then choose;
A. If ( 1 ), (2) and (3) are all correct
B. If (1) and (2) only are all correct
C. If (2) and (3) only are all correct
D. If (1) only is correct
8. We put on clothes in order to
17. To enter and leave a cell, substances must pass through
A. Plasma membrane
B. Golgi apparatus
C. Nuclear membrane
D. Microtubules
18. Water acts as a solvent and transport medium. In man,
most of the water is absorbed from the gut in
A. The colon
B. The ileum
C. The duodenum
D. The stomach
19. Samples of blood in the renal artery and renal vein are
analyzed. What does the blood in the renal artery
contain in comparison with the blood in the renal vein?
A. More oxygen and less urea
B. More CO2 and more urea
C. Less oxygen and more
D. Less CO2 and more urea

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