Ordinary level 2023 south west regional mock commerce 2

Ordinary level 2023 south west regional mock commerce 2

Ordinary level 2023 south west regional mock commerce 2

It is generally believed that development follows the road. Justify this with the situation in
Cameroon. (10marks)
b). Compare air and sea transport. (lOmarks)
2. a). Briefly explain the sectors of production with examples from the Cameroonian economy.
b). Explain why and how the government of Cameroon is encouraging the creation of enterprises.
; (!2marks)
a), Distinguish between the terms in the following pairs;
i. Third party Insurance and Comprehensive Insurance
ii. Entrepot trade and custom drawback
iii. Internal and International trade
b). State three (3) benefits of International trade to a country.
c). Briefly explain the reasons put forward for protectionism.
A a). Stare three (3) differences between a current account and a savings account. (6:narks)
b). Explain the measures used by the Centra) Bank to control the money supply in the
economy. (14marks)
5. a). Distinguish between shareholders and debenture holders.
b). Explain any two (2) types of insurance policies.
c). Describe four (4) reasons why a manufacturer brands his products.
6. You are given the information below;
Opening stock iClosing stock

Working expenses—
— 10,000,000FCFA
— 4,000,000FCFA
— 43,000,000FCFA
r— -ta -i-T nr
i). Gross profit
ii). Net profit
iii). Average stock
tv). Gross profit as a percentage of sales,
v). Rate of turnover
b). Briefly explain four (4) features of cooperative societies.
to a sole proprietor.
( 1Omarks)
( Smacks’)
c) Outline four (2) external sources of finance (2marks)


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