Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock religious studies 1

Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock religious studies 1

Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock religious studies 1

1-History qualifies him as the founder of the Hebrew
a) Isaac
b) Moses
c) Jacob
d) Abraham
2-A baby who was qualified from birth as covenant
child was:
a) Moses
b) Isaac
c) Jacob
d) Abraham
3-His character complements his physical nature:
a) Jacob
b) Moses
c) Isaac
d) Esau
4-Jacob saw the face of God and spoke with Him at:
a) Haran
b) Mt Carmel
c) Bethel
d) Shechem
5-Greatly troubled in his horrible dream Pharaoh
called for :
a) his diviners
b) his cup bearer
c) his beaker
d) his guards
6-Under the mentorship of the priest Jethro, Moses
was trained as a(n):
a) priest
b) interpreter
c) skilful shepherd
d) fierce soldier
7-The disasters which befell the Egyptians were- in
a) Ten
b) seven
c) five
d) forty
8-The departure of the Israelites from Egypt was:
a) exile
b) exodus
c) covenant
d) Passover
9-As a boy Samuel was trained
a) Ramah
b) at Hebron
c) At Beersheba
d) At Shiloh
10-The kingship reign In Israel can also be called:
a) monarchy
b) oligarchy
c) tyranny
d) theocracy
11-At a point the Israelites began envying their
neighbours and demanded for:
a) Samuel to be king
b) human king
c) David to go to war
d) Saul to be king
12-The first human king to rule Israel was?
a) Samuel
b) David
c) Solomon
d) Saul
13-He laid the foundation for Yahweh’s Temple
a) Solomon
b) Absalom
c) Samuel
d) David
14-Solomon’s special request from God was:
a) wisdom
b) a wealthy kingdom
c) understanding wives
d) physical strength
15-Yahweh’s mission to Israel was revealed to
Isaiah in a:
a) dream
b) vision
c) voice
d) fire
16-The wife of Hosea was a representation of
a) faithful nature
b) loyalty
c) idolatry
d) incestuous nature
17-The main theme in Amos message is:
a) marriage
b) worship
c) justice
d) exile
18-The name Judaism became popular during
a) the time of Abraham
b) the time of Moses
c) the time of Maccabees
d) the time of the prophets
19-The life of an ordinary
a) shrine
b) synagogue
c) tabernacle
d) temple
20-The first Jewish centre of worship whish had no
rite of sacrifice was:
a) temple
b) Mishnah
c) gemera
d) synagogue
21-A Jewish boy will become a son of the law at the
age of:
a) twelve
b) thirteen
c) fifty
d) thirty
22-Siddhartha Gautama founded a religion known
today as:
a) Hinduism
b) Buddhism
c) islam
d) Judaism
23-In Buddhism the awakened one describe the
a) sidharata
b) sidhana
c) Gautama
d) nirvana

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