cameroon gce A level June 2024 Food science and nutrition 1

cameroon gce A level June 2024 Food science and nutrition 1

cameroon gce A level June 2024 Food science and nutrition 1

A man ate puffballs and;beans containing lOg :
– carbohydrates 5g of protein and 2g fats. Calculate
the energy he obtained from the meal; ’ :;

A protein that stimulates the liver, to convert.;
—glycogen into glucose is called;
A Insulin
•B ^Sbmatostatin
•C GJucagon
D Pepsin

Food security may be influenced positively by
stock holding and;
A ‘Increase in consumption
B Increase in importation
C Decrease in importation
D Price control
’ 13/
5. When testing for the presence of a
* Pon-reducing sugar, the first reagent put into
the test tube is;
•A : Dilute hydrochloric’acid(HCL)
* B . Benedict
– C Sodium hydroxide
* * D – Ethanol *
Food security could be defined as;

A Food must be available and cheap to all
people . . * , * .
*B Food must be available and healthy to all
“”nod must be available all the time for all
D Food must be available,accessible at all
time to everyone v : 5

6., .The burette test is based on detecting the
presence of;
A. Peptide bond
* B Amino acids

‘ Aminogroup
. ^DL Disulphide bridges

7. ” Identify the area in the food composition table
were coconuts are placed:-
A Nuts and wheat ‘

,B * Seeds arid vegetable
. * C Seeds and nuts .. % ‘

. 7D/ Fruits and seeds
Which enzyme in protein digestion activates
the inactive form of another protein enzyme
/ ‘ A Pepsin
B Erepsin
•C Trypsin
D Chymotypsin
Q, „ The valve? that prevents regurgitation of food
from the intestine back into the stomach is .
known as;
A Pyloric regions
B Cardiac sphincter
C Fundic region
. D Pyloric sphincter
Cramps that begins at the neck and move
down the left arm is called;
A Thrombosis
. B Angina
C Atherosclerosis •
D Stroke * ;

16. The act of gathering food and other valuables
often secretly especially for use in the future
is called;
A Artificial sacristy
B Hoarding
C Black marketing
D . Non availability
8. :
17. Which quality is described when potato chips
is said to be crispy?
A Texture
B Flavour
C Taste
D Appearance

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