cameroon gce A level June 2024 ICT 2

cameroon gce A level June 2024 ICT 2

cameroon gce A level June 2024 ICT 2

(a) What is an information system?
(b) State and briefly explain the 5 basic components of an information system.
(c) Describe the Geographic Information System and explain one example ol its
Define the following terms.
(a) Encryption.
(b) Prototype.
(e) Firewall.
(iii) (a) Describe the term Multimedia.
(b) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of social media.
(c) State two ethical behavior of proper use of social media.
I . ( i)
(3 marks)

2. ( i) The computer circuit is composed of logic gates, switches and wires.
(a) What is a logic gate? Give two examples of logic gates.
(b) Draw the symbols for the two gates mentioned above.
(c) State the role of a switch in a circuit.
(d ) Represent the logical expression A.B + A.B by a circuit diagram.
(ii) Define the following terms as used in ICT.
(a) Computer ethics.
(b) Legislation.
(c) Ergonomics.
(iii) (a) Describe the term simulation and state one software that can be used to
carry out simulation.
( b) Describe two applications or areas where simulation is useful.
(c) State one disadvantage and one advantage of simulation.

(a) State the functions of a graphic card in a computer.
(b) Explain the role of firmware in a system.
(c) Describe a device controller and give one example.
(a ) Give two functions of the operating system.
( b) Explain pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling methods.
(c) State one property of each of command line and graphic user interfaces.
Give an example of each of the interfaces.
(iii) (a) Describe a relational database.
(b) Differentiate between data redundancy and data integrity.
J. (i)
4. (i) (a) Explain the term “network topology”.
(b) Give two criteria that are considered in choosing a topology for a network.
(c) Explain why the ring topology has less fault tolerance than the bus topology.
(d ) State THREE important resources of the network that are shared.
(ii) (a) Explain each of the following: spyware, virus, and worm.
( b) Explain two practices of protecting a computer from malware.
(c) State ONE manifestation that indicates the presence of a virus in a computer

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