Cameroon GCE O/L June 1999 Economics paper 2


1 (a) Explain giving examples of each:

  1. Cross elasticity of Demand
  2. Income elasticity of demand

(b) State and explain:

  1. three factors which affect the elasticity of demand
  2. Three factors which influence the elasticity of supply

2 (a) Explain four similarities between Commercial Bank and Central Bank

(b) What roles do banks like BICEC and SCB-Credit Lyonnais play in the Cameroon economy? State and clearly explain four of them.


3 (a) Define

  1. National income
  2. National Debt

(b) State and explain five reasons why it is worthwhile measuring national income of your Country.


4 (a) State and explain five reasons why the government of Cameroon may place restriction on the exports and imports of goods and services.

(b) Give and Explain any five methods by which the flows of import and exports are restricted in a Country.


5 (a) Define

  1. Full unemployment
  2. Unemployment

(b) Explain any four causes of unemployment in the Cameroon economy

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