- Their body comprises of a skeleton of calcareous or silica-rich spicules or horny fibers together with many pores (holes)
- They body has two cell layers with a single cavity
- They are multicellular but the cells do not form tissues even though they differentiated
- They are asymmetrical i.e. their body lacks symmetry
- There is neither muscular or nervous system
- They are filter-feeders. Filter feeding is a method of food obtention by some aquatic animals whereby they led water into their bodies filters out food particles from it as the water passes out
- The adult is sessile (no locomotion is shown)
- All are hermaphrodite and carry out asexual reproduction by budding. The have a high generative power
- Sponges are marine and many are brightly colored
Example of a sponge is LEUCOSOLENIA
The commercial sponges (sold int the market) for bathing are obtained by drying, beating, and thoroughly washing sponges having a skeleton of spongin made of collagen.