UBTEB Conducts phase two of Assessor’s training


assessor training

UBTEB Conducts phase two of Assessor’s training. The Government of Uganda through the Skills-based reforms has put in place mechanisms of spearheading the skills development revolution. This has seen the establishment of new technical institutions, recruitment of Lectures, increased funding and capacity building. In addition to this, the government has put a focus on creating a linkage between the Technical, Vocational Education (TVET) and Training institutions. And also the world of experts who are the prospective employers of TVET graduates. The training of Assessors took place on 3rd-14th February 2020 in Kampala.

Today, UBTEB started the training of additional 150 assessors form the Training Institutions and Industry. The training shall take a period of two weeks including field visits to industries and practical assignment. The training involve practitioners form fields of engineering, accounting, catering. In addition there is also cosmetology, procurement among others.

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