A level south west regional mock gce 2022 history 3

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 history 3

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 history 3

SECTION A: AFRICA, 1800 – 1945 (Pre-colonial and Colonial Africa)
1 tyhat external factors influenced the abolition of slave trade in West Africa during the 19 century and
what were the consequences of abolition?
(25 marks)
2. Can the outbreak of 19th century Islamic Revolutions in Northern Nigeria and Futa Jallon be accounted
for? 25 marks)
3. To what extent did African disunity and military weakness adequately explain why African resistance to
European conquest and occupation was abortive between 1884 and 1914?
(25 marks)
SECTION B: AFRICA, 1945 TO PRESENT (Nationalism, Independence and Post-independence Africa)
4. Analyse the effects on Africa of its participation in the Second World War between 1940 and 1945?
(25 marks)
5. Illustrate and account for the thriving of Neo-colonialism in former French Equatorial Africa since 1960.
(25 marks)
6. Assess the value of Nelson Mandela’s contribution to the fight against Apartheid in South Africa from
1948 to 1994.
(25 marks)
7. Which takes greater responsibility for the outbreak of the war for American independence in 1776: the
effects of the Seven Years War or the inflexibility of King George III?
(25 marks)
8. Explain the term Concert of Europe and trace its development in Europe between 1818 and 1822.
(25 marks)
9. “Far from being a disaster, the First World War of 1914-1918 was a blessing to mankind.” How far is
this assertion tenable?
(25 marks)
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10. Carefully examine the evidence for the view that ‘the efforts of the League of Nations to maintain peace
were successful in the 1920s and unsuccessful in the 1930s.’
11. Justify impact on theEast decision -—Westby Relations the Soviet . Union to install missiles in Cuba in the early 1960s and (examine 25 marks its )
(25 marks)
. Discuss the causes an ie hostility that developed between the Soviet
Union and China in the 1960s and 1970s.
e international significance o
(25 marks)

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