Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock chemistry 1

Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock chemistry 1

Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock chemistry 1

1Which statementaboutthe ?V’YriAvogadro -.)AV: constant is
A. Itisthenumberofatoms in one mole ofneon
B. Itis the massof6.02×102,atoms ofnny
C. ItisthenumberofatomsinI2gofany
D. It is the mass of one mole of any element
2. Identify the element with ahexagonal closed
parked structure
A. Na
B. Ba
C. Fe
D. Mg
3. Which ofthe following factors increases,—— the rate
A. Decreasein temperature
B. Decrease inpressure
C. Decreaseinactivation energy
D. Decreaseinconcentration ofreactant
A. -31.6
B. 1.2
C. 66.8
D. 99.6
.if ‘
1/8 of its initial value is
A. 7hours
B. 14 hours
C. 21 hours
D. 28 hours
12. A standard solution iron
(Il)sulphate,(NH.hFe(SO 4)2.6H20,,s
prepared by dissolving4 9gofthe saltand making
. . * up the volume to250cm in a volumetric flask.
The molarity ofsulphate ions in the solution is 🙁
molar mass=392.) i/ Mt
A. 0.05M
v B: 1M
C. 0.1M
D. 0
13. In the mass spectrum ofan organic compound
A. the highestpeak indicates the parent ion &
B. the parent ion is equivalentto the fragment
with the largest size
C. thepeak withthe highestmassto chargeratio
gives the relative molecular mass ofthe
compound. — … » ~ —
D. the mass to charge ratio ofthe highestpeak
gives the relative molecular mass ofthe
14. Which compound produces ayellow precipitate
with 2
,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine reagentand also
with alkaline aqueous iodine
A. Butan-2-ol
B. Butanal
C. Butanone
D. Pentan-3-one
15. Which ofthe following compounds is the most
c. NH3
– CftCQNH.
^Xl n»>•’*BaS S^04emen is Isless *ess *about soluble thermally thethan compounds stable MgSthan 04of SrC group 03 II
n’” ‘.iss*more ess s°thermally hiblethanstable Mg(OH than)3
Select an equation that represents the second
ionization energy of chlorine

4. A sample ofa compound with relative molecular
mass 150 has the following composition by mass
2.4gcarbon, 0.3gHydrogen and4.8goxygen.Its
empirical formula is (R.A.M C=12,H=l,0=16)
A. CH^O,
B. C,H303
D. C4H(A
5. The general formula for acycloalkane is

A. CnH2n
B. CnHn
C. C„H2D’2
D. CjjHon-2
U V 51
r’ 1 {
1 i
6. A compound has the structure
CH2=CHCHBrCH3.The number ofstereo isomers
Geometric Optical
A. 0 0 r == C
B. 0 ku
G 2
2 K-

D. 4
7. Which element when burntin oxygen produces an
oxide which is a reducing agent
A. Na
B. Mg
C. A1
P. S

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