cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Sales Methods and Communication 2

cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Sales Methods and Communication 2

cameroon gce 2023 intermediate level Sales Methods and Communication 2

The management of CDC makes use of professionally trained sales people so as to sell their products and enhance
customer loyalty7. These sales people cany out a sequence of activities called the selling process. As well as
communicating with the public using different Media. At times their messages do not go through due to
communication difficulties
a) Describe the process sales people go through to sell the products of CDC.
b) Give 4 roles played by sales people in CDC to increase sales.
c) Explain 3 Barriers (Difficulties) that may prevent communication messages from being understood
by the target audience.

2) The management of UBA Bank uses the Elements of the Communication mix to attract new customers. Retaining
these customers will depend on the workers ability to receive and welcome them at the various sales points. To
meet the exact needs of the various categories of customers the office clerks are always advised to perform an
activity’ called Reformulation.
a) State 4 factors inside and outside a sales point that helps in receiving and welcoming customers
at the sales point.
b) Explain what is meant by reformulation and state why a sales person must perform this activity.
c) List the various communication mixes the management of UBA Bank can use to achieve its

3) The performance of a business unit can result from the commitment of the sales staff and the sales methods used.
However information about the various sales points is found on the point of sales data sheet.
a) Describe 4 factors that can be used to measure the performance of a Business unit.
b) State 4 functions of a self-service employee in a supermarket.
c) Identify 4 elements found on a point of sales data sheet.

4) You have been employed by LG company Ltd specialised in the sales of Laptops, TV screens and Air
conditioners in the Town of Douala .Your Boss requested you to do appropriate preparations for a sales
presentation that will minimise the number of objections raised by prospective customers.
a) Define sales preparation. State four areas on which the analysis of your sales preparations shall focus.
b) Describe 4 techniques you will use when presenting the products to the customers.
c) Examine 3 types of objections that can be raised by the prospective customers.

(6 marks)

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