cameroon gce intermediate level electrical machines 1

cameroon gce intermediate level electrical machines 1

cameroon gce intermediate level electrical machines 1

1. The unit of magnetic flux is:

A Weber
B Tesla
C Ampere-turn
D Ampere/metre

2. In a short shunt dc generator, the series field
is excited by:

A Ish
B Ia

3. The flux in the air-gap of a machine is
0.2Mwb and the cross-sectional area of the
gap is 500mm
2. What is the flux density in
the air gap?

A 2.5T
B 0.4T
C 0.0004T
D 100T

4. A dc motor is considered as a generator when
the power flow is:

A Reduced
B Increase
C Reversed
D Modified

5. The main reason for proving compensating
winding in a dc generator is to:

A Compensate for decrease in the main
B Neutralize armature magneto motive
C Neutralize cross magnetizing flux
D Maintain uniform flux distribution

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