cameroon gce O level June 2023 human biology 1

cameroon gce O level June 2023 human biology 1

cameroon gce O level June 2023 human biology 1

Identify the feature that makes man
structurally different from other mammals. A External ears
B Heterodont dentition
C Four chambered heart
D Opposable thumbs
2. Two solutions separated by a permeable
membrane with equal movement of water in
both directions are described as being: A Hypertonic
B Isotonic
C Hypotonic
D Concentrated
3. Which cell organelle synthesizes proteins?
A Ribosome
B Nucleus
C Mitochondrion
D Lysosome
4. Which of the tissues bind organs together in
the body?
A Epithelial tissue
B Nervous tissue
C Connective tissue
D Skeletal tissue
5. Meiosis is a type of cell division that occurs
A Somatic cells
B Sex cells
C Body cells
D Muscle cells
6 Soaking a piece of mammalian limb bone into
dilute HCL for a few hours makes it:
A Flexible and inelastic
B Soft and brittle
C Brittle and elastic
D Soft and flexible
7. Identify the characteristics which best
describes skeletal muscle:
A Has elongated and multinucleated fibres which contract fast and easily get tired.
B Has elongated and multinucleated fibres which contract fast and never get tired
C Has spindle shaped and multinucleated fibres which contract fast and never get tired.
D Has branched and uninucleated fibres which contract fast and never get tired

8. Identify the structure which prevents
dislocation of bones during movement. A Cartilage
B Ligament
C Tendons
D Synovial fluid
9. Which is the direction of transmission of a
nerve impulse along a neuron?
A Axon —) dendron dendrite
B Dendrite -+ dendron —) axon
C Cell body —dendrite —* axon
D Dendron —) axon —*dentrite
10. Which of the part indicated on the diagram of
the brain below controls the breathing rate?
(Courtesy of CJ Clegg et al. Advanced Biology, Principles and application)
B 2
C 3
D 4

11. Identify the eye defect that can be corrected
using a concave lens.
A Astignatism
B Presbyopia
C Hypermetropia
D Myopia
12. Identify the gland which secretes both
hormones and enzymes in the human body.
A Pancreas
B Pituitary
C Thyroid
D Adrenal
13. How does adrenaline affects the heart beat rate
and the functioning of the liver?
A Causes heart beat to decrease and liver to
convert glucose to glycogen
B Causes heart beat to decrease and liver to
convert glycogen to glucose
C Causes heart beat to increase and liver
convert glycogen to glucose
D Causes the heart beat to increase and
liver convert glucose to glycogen

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