cameroon gce O level June 2024 Economics 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 Economics 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 Economics 1

Touch-light and battery are good examples 7.
A Joint demand
B Composite demand
C Competitive demand
D Derived demand
The following data represents some items of a
commercial bank’s balance sheet;
2. The supply of labour can be increased by; 8.
A An increase in the school leaving age
B An increase in education and training
C An increase in retirement age
D An increase in welfare services
Site deposit 30
Loans and advances 25
Which one of the following is likely to cause Current account 65
A Increase in direct taxes
B Budget surplus
C Sale of securities to the general public
D Increase in indirect taxes
Coin and bank notes 10
The sum of the bank’s iabilities will be;
A 95m Fcfa
B 35m Fcfa
C 55m Fcfa
4. Weight- loosing industries are likely to locate; D 130m Fcfa V
A Near the market
Near the source of raw materials
C Near the source of power
D Near the source of labour
B The productivity of labour is defined as;
A Maximum number of hours worked
B Output per man hour
C Output achieved in a short time
D Average output produced
5. Assuming there are Four consumers of fish in
town X; miss A, B,C, and mr D. From
Monday to Sunday, miss A bought 4kg on
Monday and 1kg on Saturday, miss B bought
3kg on Wednesday , miss C and mr D bought
5kg each on Tuesday and Sunday respectively.
What is the weekly demand at 850frs per kg?
A 850kg
B 13kg
C 18kg
D 12kg
Disguised unemployment is said to exist when;
A Labour faces physical disability
B There is a change in demand
C Manpower is under utilized
D There is immobility of labour
When the price of garri increases from 50frs a
cup to lOOfrs a cup, the supply of garri
increase from 5 basins to 15 basins. The
numerical coefficient of price elasticity of
supply is;
A 0.5
1 1.
Question 6 is based on the following data on
C 0.3
D 2
50 220
70 210 12. The principle of“limited liability” implies that;
A Shareholders are liable up to their share
B The debts of the company are paid using
. its assets.
C The company does not have to pay debts
D The shareholder is liable to the debt up to
his private properties.
90 225
100 275
The optimum population size in the data will
A 70
B 50
C 90
D 100

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