cameroon gce O level June 2024 logic 1
cameroon gce O level June 2024 logic 1
1. 9.
The Function of language to cause or prevent
action is:
A Informative.
B Directory.
C Expressive.
D Cognitive.
The most appropriate reason why the study of
Logic is important is that it enables one to:
A Gain clarity and precision in speech.
B Perceive the coherence and incoherence
of terms.
C Investigate and detect true argument.
D Weigh the pros and cons of propositions.
Which Language Function is expressed in the
sentence,“Oh what a wonderful party!’’?
A Emotive.
B Directory.
C Informative.
D Cognitive.
Identify from below that which is False of the
relation between Language and Thought:
A Language permits one to express ideas.
B Language expresses thoughts.
C Language dominates over thoughts.
D Language can contextualize ideas.
I I .
4fcA form five boy was caught cheating in an
exam, and it was later concluded that all form
five boys are exam cheats”. This is an example
A Inductive Reasoning.
B Logical reasoning.
C Analogical Reasoning.
D Deductive Reasoning.
Which of the following Law of thought is
expressed in the formula A=A?
A Principle of Excluded Middle.
B Principle of Contradiction.
C Principle of Identity.
D Principle of non-contradiction.
A word or words used in explaining a term
is/are known as:
A Logical Division.
B Definiendum.
C Definition.
D Definiens.
The Operation of the Mind in which ideas are
compared is known as:
A Thinking.
B Reasoning.
C Abstraction
D Judging.
14. A kind of Definition which gives meaning to a
brand new term is:
A Synonymous Definition.
B Stipulative Definition.
C Lexical Definition.
D Theoretical Definition.
Identify the fields that both deal with thinking:
A Logic and Psychology.
B Logic and History.
C Logic and Law.
D Logic and Science.
15. The expression,“Logic is everywhere, even in
the air we breathe” most adequately
A Persuasive Definition
B Stipulative Definition
C Nominal Definition
D Descriptive Definition
The terms “Teacher and Learner” are
adequately known as;
A Contrary.
B Correlative.
C Contradictory.
D Positive.
16. Which fallacy is committed when a Definition
is stated in Figurative language?
A Obscure Definition.
B Incongruous Definition.
C Extraneous Definition.
D Circular Definition.
Two Terms in which one negates the other are
considered as:
A Correlative Terms.
B Negative Terms
C Contradictory Terms.
D Contrary Terms.