cameroon gce O level June 2024 mathematics 2

cameroon gce O level June 2024 mathematics 2

cameroon gce O level June 2024 mathematics 2

1. A farmer employed two students and three men to clear his farm for two weeks, working 5 days a week. The
two students each received 2,000 FCFA per day and each of the three men received 3,000 FCFA per day.
a) Calculate the total amount that the farmer spent on his workers for clearing his farm within two weeks.
Given that the total amount the farmer used to buy chemicals for spraying is — of the total amount spent
on clearing.
b) Calculate the amount used for buying chemicals. Other expenses summed up to 35,000 FCFA.
c) Calculate his total expenses.
Given also that he sold all his produce at 620,500FCFA and 30% of his profit was shared between his
first and the second wives in the ratio 3:2.
d ) Find the amount shared between his two wives.
e) Express the amount received by the first wife as a percentage of the amount shared between his wives.
( 15 marks)
2. ( i ) ‘fhe table shows the distribution of marks scored by 100 candidates in an examination.
Mark (x) 60 – 62 63 – 65 6 6 – 6 8 69 – 71 72 – 74
Frequency ( I) 5 18 42 27 8
State the: .. . .

a) number of classes or intervals in the distribution,
b) lower class limit of class 63 – 65,
i » • 1
c) upper class limit of class 72 – 74 ,
d ) modal class of the distribution ,
e) class mark of the class 60 – 62,
I) class size of the distribution .
– \ ,
* *
( 10 marks)
( ii ) The functions f and g are defined on W , the set of real numbers by / : x 2.v + 3 and g :.v I—> .v — 3
a ) /( 2)
b) gof ( x )
(5 marks)
Turn Over
3. (i) On a graph paper and taking I cm for 1 unit on both axes.
a) Draw triangle PQR with coordinates P(- l , 4), Q(- 1, 1 ) and R(- 4, I ).
b) Find the coordinates of the image P’ Q ‘ R’ of triangle PQR under the transformation matrix
f -\ 0 ^
0 -I
c) Draw triangle P’ O’ R’ and describe the transformation completely.
(8 marks)
(ii) Using a pencil, a ruler and a pair of compasses only.
a) Construct triangle ABC such that AB = AC = BC = 7 cm .
b) Bisect any two angles in triangle ABC and label the point O, where the bisectors meet.
c) With O as centre, draw a circle such that AB, AC and BC are tangents to the circle.
d) Measure and write down the length of the diameter of the circle.
(7 marks)
4. ( i) Given the function f ( x )= 3x- x 2 defined for -1 < x < 4.
a) Construct a table of values of y =J[x ) for integral values of JC in the range.
b) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on both axes, draw the graph of y = f ( x).
From your graph,
c) solve the equation 3x- x2 = 0 ,
d) state the maximum value of f ( x) .
(9 marks)
(ii) Given the polynomial p( x ) = (x- 2)(2x,- l)(x + l) .
Solve the equation /;(*) = 0.
Find the remainder when p( x ) is divided by ( x- 1) .

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