Ordinary level 2024 North West mock commerce 2

Ordinary level 2024 North West mock commerce 2

Ordinary level 2024 North West mock commerce 2

a)- (i) Define direct dealing.
(ii) Give FOUR reasons why retailers may decide to deal directly with
b) State and explain the branches of industry.
c) Name FOUR aids to trade
a) State any FOUR reasons for consumer protection
b) Explain four advantages of road transport
c) List FOUR common causes of road accidents in Cameroon.
3. a) Flow is home trade different from foreign trade?
b) Outline FOUR ways by which enterprises are classified
c) State any THREE features each of:
i) Registeredpost and
4. a) Given that Lionex bought:
– 4 tins ofpaint at 25,000 FCFA each
– 2 bags of Ndop rice at 15 000FCFA each
– 3 bags of flour at 20 000FCFA each
He had the following terms of trade:
* Trade discount 10%;
* Cash discount 4%;
* VAT 19.25%.
i) Trade discount
ii) Cash discount . a i
b) Outline FOUR differences between a commercial bank and a central bank.
c) Name FOUR agents involved inthe buying and selling process
5. a) Distinguish between assurance and insurance.
b) State FOURmarine loss common in Cameroon
c) Briefly explain FOUR differences between Public Limited Company and Private

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