Revision questions on banking

Revision questions on banking

Revision questions on banking

1) what do you understand by the money supply?. Critically examine the effects of an increase in the money supply in an economy.
2) Examine the instruments of monetary policy and show how they can be used to reduced inflation
3) “Liquidity and profitability are conflicting objectives of the commercial Bank” . How can these objective be reconciled? June 2011
4) “Bank deposits are largely created by the banks themselves”. Explain. Are there any limitations? June 2012
5) Explain the role of the bank of central Afrca states (BEAC) in the economy of Cameroon. June 2013
6) What are the uses of the retail price index? Identify the problems encountered in construction such an index. June 2014
7) The Franc CFA is money used in Cameroon. Why is it considered as a good money?. June 2015
8) Discuss the factors which might cause an increase in the supply of money. What are the likely effects of such an increase in money supply?
9) How may the distinction between narrow money and broad money be related to the function of money.
10) Distinguish between the money and capital markets. How can the central bank influence the functioning of these markets?
11) How has the introduction of money solved the problems of trade by barter?.What are the limitations of the function of money.
12) a) With the aid of a diagram, explain the effect of an increase in vthe Liquidity preference on the rate of interest.
b) Discuss the determinants of the transaction demand for money.
13) Define the money supply in your country . Consider how the money supply can be controlled.
14) How and why do central Banks control the credit policies of commercial Banks?
15) How do commercial Banks create credit?. Are there any limitations in doing so?.

more notes at GCE REVISION and kawlo application


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