cameroon gce intermediate level 2024 family life education and gerontology 1
cameroon gce intermediate level 2024 family life education and gerontology 1
The economic impact of family life Education 9.
and gerontology in the society is that, there is/are
A Less financial expenditure due to belter
B Reduced rate of infant and maternal mortality
C Better health care
D Advance birth control methods
The process of releasing mature ovum by the ovary‘
is called
A Ovulation
B Implantation
C Pregnancy
D Menstruation
2. Family relationships that can be long – lasting is
refered to as a _
A Sex
B Work
C Sibling
D Volunteer
Identify a natural birth control method
A Billing ovulation
B Combined
C Oral pill
D Traditional
Relationships that lead to marriages in Cameroon
are called
A “Come we stay”
B “Knock door”
C Engagement
D courtsliip
Family planning is
A Deciding on where to construct a house
B Making a budget regularly
C Deciding on the number of children to have
D Making an agenda for the number of people
to liave at home
The family that is composed of father, mother and
children is a
A Matrilineal family
B Patrilineal family
C Parents–child family
D Monogamous family
Fertilization occurs in the
A Uterus
B Abdomen
C Endometrium
D Fallopian tubes
5. Semen is a mixture of
A Sperms and gamates
B Sperms and fluids
C Sperms and sex cells
D Sperms and glands
The second trimester of pregnancy is between the
A 13th– 26th week
B 13th–32 week
C 13th–38 week
D 13*28* week
Identify the role of the ovary.
A Release the ovum
B Protects oestrogen
C Provides progesterone
D Protects the follicc
It starts from fertilisation and ends in delivery.
A Implantation
B Pregnancy
C Ectopic pregnancy
D Quickening
A secondary‘sexual characteristic in a male is
A Ability to impregnate a woman
B Ability to Ejaculation
C Deepening of voice
D Growth of hair
Clinics for expectant mothers are called
A Infant welfare
B Anti–natal
C Ante–natal
D Peri–natal
8. Teachings about sex and its related issues is refered
to as
A Sex education
B Sex training
C Marital education
D Marital preparation
The importance of attending clinic during
pregnancy is that
A Complications can be handled
B Required medical treatment is given
C Songs arc learnt to lessen anxiety
D Some minor exercises arc performed to stay