Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock philosophy 2
Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock philosophy 2
(1) «According To Plato that which makes a state just is the same as that which makes man just.
Assess the tenability of this statement focusing on his ethical and political theory.’
(25 marks)
(2) « Experience is the only gate way to the knowledge ». Basing your argument on the views of John
Locke assess the tenability of this assertion (25mrks)
(3) Almost all ideologies of the Nationalistic trend possess elements of communalism. To what
extent does communalism contribute to the development of African philosophy
(4) Do Africans Practice democracy? (25 mrks)
(5) Read the passage below and answers the questions that follow
I am afraid you are very simple- minded, Socrates, but you ought to consider how the just man always
comes off worse than the unjust. For instance in any business relations between them, you won’t find
the just man better off at the end of the deal than the unjust. Again, in their relations with the state,
when there are taxes to be paid the unjust man will pay lesson the same income and when there is
anything to be got we’ll get a lot the just man nothing. If it is a question of office, if the just man
loses nothing else he will suffer from neglecting his private affairs ; his honesty will prevent him
appropriating public funds and his relations and friends will detest him because his principles will not
allow him to do them a service if it is not right. But quite the reverse is true of the unjust man. I am
thinking of the man referred to just now who can further his own advantage in a big way ; he’s the man
to study if you want to find how much more private gain there is in wrong doing than in right
The Republic by Plato