cameroon gce A level June 2023 biology 1

cameroon gce A level June 2023 biology 1

cameroon gce A level June 2023 biology 1

Which of the following carbohydrates has
monomers linked by pi-4 linkages?
A Maltose.
B Lactose.
D Cellulose.
The vesicles that pinch off and fuse to form
cisternae of the golgi apparatus come from which
. cell organelle?
A Endoplasmic reticulum.
B Nucleus.
C Mitochondria.
D Cell surface membrane.
2. Classification of organisms based on evolutionary
relationships between organisms is called:
A Artificial classification.
B Phylogenetic classification.
C Natural classification.
D Numerical classification.
An invertebrate is collected from a fresh water
pond. Dissection of this invertebrate shows three
developmental body layers. It has a cuticle as its
outer body covering. To which phylum does it
A Arthropoda.
B Annelida.
C Cnidaria.
D Echinodermata.
An example of a globular protein is:
A Salivary amylase.
B Collagen.
C Keratin.
D Haemoglobin.
2). 10.
4. The presence of two cell layers in the body wall
of multicellular organisms makes them to be
Triploblastic animals.
Coelomate animals.
Diploblastic animals.
Pseudocoelomate animals.
In humans, gaseous exchange takes place in the:
A Lungs.
B Nostrils.
C Trachea.
D Alveoli.
B 1 1.
c !
Each individual has a unique DNA finger print
because each individual has a unique set of:
A mutations in the DNA.
B proteins in the blood.
C enzymes in the mitochondria,
amino acids in the blood.
An example of divergent evolution is:
A wings of insects and wings of birds.
B wings of birds and forelimb of humans.
C wings of honey bee and wings of bats.
D wings of bats and wings of butterfly.
During expiration, which of the following takes
A External intercostal muscles contract and
ribs move upwards and outwards.
B Internal intercostal muscles relax and ribs
move inwards and downwards.
C External intercostal muscles relax and ribs
move downwards and inwards.
D Internal intercostal muscles contract and
ribs move upwards and outwards.
The liver breaks down RBC to produce:
A Urea.
B Ammonia.
C Amino acids.
D Bile pigments.
13. \
In genetic engineering restriction endonuclease
enzymes are used to:
A cut DNA at specific locations.
B cut RNA at specific locations.
C cut proteins at specific locations.
D cut amino acids on a polypeptide chain.
In which of the following organs is the epithelial
tissue ciliated?
A Alveoli of lungs.
B Bowman’s capsule.
C Oviducts.
D Epidermis of skin.
Which of these types of cells contain the highest
concentration of mitochondria?
A Erythrocyte.
B Leukocyte.
C Neuron.
D Sperm cell.

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