cameroon gce A level June 2023 religious studies 2

cameroon gce A level June 2023 religious studies 2

cameroon gce A level June 2023 religious studies 2

Sectlonl.lThe Patriarchs to David
1. The Religion of the Israelites would not have come to anything without the patriarchs. Justify this assertion.
(25 marks)
a) Why was Esau rejected as one of the patriarchs in Israel?
b) What factors prove that Jacob was chosen by God?
(10 marks)
(15 marks)
o. How central was the Exodus experience to the Israelites? (25 marks)
4. Justify the fact that the Judges were both political and religious lenders in Israel. (25 marks)
a) Outline the weaknesses of the Israelite tribal confederacy.
b) Why was Saul rejected as the king in Israel?
5. (10 marks)
(15 marks)
Human weaknesses cannot be completely avoided. Evaluate the validity of this statement in
the life of king David.
(25 marks)
Section 5.3 Islam
7. To what extent can Ramadan be described as a “month among all months” in Islam? (25 marks)
8. How relevant is the belief in prophets in Islam?. (25 marks)
9. ld-ul-Adha is an important feast in Islam. Do you agree? (25 marks)
10. Critically examine the place of women in Islam. (25 marks)
“The Merciful are shown mercy by the All-Merciful. Show mercy to those on earth and
Allah will show mercy to you” (Al-Tirmizi No. 1924 and Abu Dawud No. 4941).
Examine the various ways a Muslim can show mercy to others.
1 1.
(25 marks)
12. (a) What is Hajj?
(b) How important is the Hajj in the practice of the Islamic Faith?
(5 marks)
(20 marks)
Section 5.5 African Traditional Religious Beliefs and Practices
13. Examine the place of religious festivals in ATR. (25 marks)
14. Evaluate the importance of sacred places in ATR. (25 marks)
15. Explain the concept of he “here – after” in ATR. (25 marks)
a) What is witchcraft?
b) How does it influence discussion in a typical African Society?
(5 marks)
(20 marks)
17. “1 am because you are. And since you are, therefore 1 am”. How relevant is this saying in ATR? (25 marks)
18. How do Africans look at constituted authority? (25 marks

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