cameroon gce intermediate level law and government 1

cameroon gce intermediate level law and government 1

cameroon gce intermediate level law and government 1

1 The legal system that operates in Cameroon is

A An equitable law system
B The civil law system
C The common law system
D Common and civil law system


2 Which of the following statements best describes
the function of the legal system?


A Protection of individual rights and liberties
B Maintenance of public order
C Conferral of obligations
D All options are correct


3 The law that regulates the relationship between the
state and its citizens is known as


A Administrative law
B Public law
C Constitutional law
D Criminal law


4 which is the highest court in Cameroon ?


A Court of first instance
B Constitutional court
C Supreme court
D Court of appeal


5 An example of an administrative tribunal in
Cameroon is


A Labour inspectorate
B Court of appeal
C Arbitration board
D Military court


6 Which of the following courts has a special status
in Cameroon


A The constitutional court
B The supreme court
C The appeal court
D The magistrate court

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